Confronting English Language Sub-Cultures that Seek to Indoctrinate our Children into Conflict.

  1. The Black American has had Generational Trauma regurgitated into a slang driven language that denies them the emotional intelligence to heal and reconnect to the Global Economy. Having their ancestral languages (Mother Tongue) stripped from them has forced them into a glass ceiling globally with respect to linguistic cultural exchange and cultural currency. This census group does not represent the African American students, the African American students have an established language and cultural ideology connected to their heritage that is not present with the American black. The American black students require an opportunity to have a cultural pilgrimage to explore their roots and their connections to their ancestral roots and to connect with its culture, learn its language, and better understand the true dichotomy of their social status. The census needs to be restructured in order to support efforts to build a healthy DEI. The census should be collecting data about the number of languages an individual is operating in, their ethnicity. Not the made up crayola races that are currently being used to depict American demographics.
  2. The hard truth is that the American black exemplifies WHY our constitution protects language. By stripping an individual of their mother tongue, you create a dangerous sub-culture that has lost faith and trust in your ability to understand them, to acknowledge them as valid, to perceive the world from their perspective and that has become a highly criminal and radicalized group. Evidence of this impact was definitely felt in Los Angeles, CA upon the release of the Black Panther movie in the cinemas. On one hand, they deserve recognition and to be highlighted with positive role models and depictions in the entertainment industry, while on the other hand the physical reality produces a very large, violent, mob that is in the streets and energized and feeding itself a slavery narrative that they never experienced. Their ancestors did. But the African American, similar to the First- and second-Generation decedents of the Irish Indentured servants (Irish American), and the decedents of Chinese slaves (Chinese Americans), doesn’t behave in this fashion. The American black does.
  3. The LGBT language, Ideology, and Pedagogy. Sexual orientation and preferences are not a part of our state sanctioned standardized tests. This issue affects the constitutional rights of every student and teacher in our school systems. American public schools must serve students who are Native American, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Atheist, etc… while treating them all as equals. We cannot teach our classrooms in a format that says: you are a good child, and you are a bad child due to their heritage and culture. Yet this pedagogy has done just that. Accusing any and all of being hateful who fail to subscribe to being indoctrinated into their established matrix language system. Not every member of the LGBT community prescribes to the matrix language system that has been constructed. So, the controversy has its roots within its own community and then forces all of us to engage in it. Even at the elementary school level, which is highly inappropriate.
  4. Discussions of Race rather than Ethnicity. The difference? The world and all its language systems. Utilizing the DEI, we could have been building our international language skill sets, but instead we fought about race and sex. The simple fact is there is only ONE human race. We are distinguished from each other in context to ethnicity and migration history. Race and Ethnicity are NOT the same things.
  5. How we perceive wealth. Wealth is currently being perceived as something which we GET. Rather than skill sets that we develop in order to earn it in a manner that serves our society. It is being defined by cultural artifacts such as fashion and automotive. Rather than cultural heritage and trades. This has stifled our youth and put us behind in establishing their future success. Our nation has a deep-rooted entrepreneurial spirit that should be incubated in our youth. This begins at home and then extends into the classroom where it takes on another life in the process of cultural exchange as it becomes applied in the world. Take every economics book that you have ever read and replace the word poverty with simplicity. Then explore that idea and you might be ready for my upcoming book.
  6. Woke Vs. Aware. Woke is a human construct and a subculture. Aware is our animal instinct. Which one are you participating in?
  7. Discussions about the earth and nature that deny a deep-rooted and integral spiritual (ether) heritage and allow us to maintain a culture that has insisted on “mastering nature” rather than respecting it. ETHER & the Higgs Particle. I have my own perceptions on this reality.
  8. The DEI and why it has failed so miserably. Language is a constitutionally protected right and the DEI failed miserably at establishing analytics that supported our international students. It has failed to promote bi-lingualism and multi-culturalism.

The DEI became raptured by race and sex politics that sought to alter the American education system to serve their particular interests at the expense of our linguistically diverse students. The UN has established a ten-year plan to support these students effective yesterday, 2/21/2024. The conference can be found here :

NOTE: This is a draft in progress, and I welcome your feedback. I am the Owner of Creative Minds LLC. Established in San Antonio, TX in 2005 to support Carmen Tafolla in her efforts at The Camino School for the Gifted and Talented Child. Creative Minds LLC has evolved into an academic support studio for gifted children and children in competitive academics. I operate internationally and serve as part of a language rights watchdog group. It is my pleasure to serve my L.O.T.E. students. Language Matters.

How many generations of women does it take to help you understand?


It sounds sexy. Like intimacy.

Big brother suffers from Hawthorne affect. And perhaps a porn addiction.

Intimacy. Like softly whispered good morning on the neck of a trusted lover.

Unlike vain misperceptions of oggled or sound bitten entitlements of feigned affection.

Good morning lovers.

What does privacy mean to you?

All I can do

Survive. Listen, Consider, Feel, Embody, Organize, Speak, See, Hear, Observe, Absorb, Be, Contribute, Complete, Compete, Seek, Thank, Grow. Fight. Understand I Am Capable.

woman in black top beside green leafed plant

This is what I have been asked to do throughout my life. Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Recycle THIS

Butting In

Excuse me… mister big ceo tobacco man.

excuse me.  ive been picking up the house after my elders and well..

if I recycle their nasty beer cans I can get 10 cents each and it doesn’t feel so bad because ive got something to show for it – but you sir – you are a filthy rich mess of somethings …

well somethings im not old enough to say.

Somethings I can, like I can ask questions.

Where do I mail these back to mister tobacco man?

(FILES) - Picture taken on October 12, 2

10 Cents Each?

How to Recycle Cigarette Ashes and Waste


the kid in me

Silver Bullets

Questions about the adoption and foster care system:

1. Does the child get one phone call?

2. Are they presumed innocent or damaged?

3. At what point in the placement is the child asked to whom they wish to connect to?

4. How many people are in between those children and who they wish to speak to?

5. By alienating them away from family, rather than providing them access to extended family and from how many transactions are we expecting them to emotionally “bounce back” from prior to their one phone call?

The secret about 12 year olds that men have been arguing about since Pocahontas

Erikson’s Stages of Development

5. Adolescent: 12 to 18 Years

Identity vs. Role Confusion – Fidelity

Up until this fifth stage, development has relied on the relationships and experiences an individual been exposed to.  12 is the age when we finally begin to start setting personal goals.  We are developing introspection and considering “who am I and what are my dreams?”.  It goes beyond the childish assertions of “When I am grown, I wanna….” and dives into the depth of “How am I going to…”.

At this point, development now depends primarily upon what an adolescent does and what style of learning and personality traits that they have acquired.  Their actions are a reflection of what they have been exposed to, how that individual has interpreted those experiences, and what resources they have at their disposal to explore their understanding of those experiences.  An adolescent must struggle to discover his or her own identity, while simultaneously negotiating and struggling with social interactions and “fitting in” as they are crafting their own sense of morality.

Some attempt to delay entrance to adulthood and withdraw from responsibilities (moratorium).  Some are running for the door in pursuit of this experience as a means of escaping a perceived injustice.  There are major risk factors associated to both extremes.  Those unsuccessful with this stage tend to experience role confusion and upheaval. Adolescents begin to develop a strong affiliation and devotion to ideals, causes, and friends.  And this is where slang sub-cultures are serving as a form of replacement therapy for all of the failed roles, bonds, and boundaries that a child has experienced.   This is the stage where we have been losing them.  Especially as single mothers in America.  This is the stage where very often, absentee fathers’ step in and decide to take over.  Their absence in that childs’ life up until this point has many indications. The absentee father has no concept of medical history, emotional triggers, or the internal positive reward system that has already been established between the child and their mother.  In the case of parental alienation, where the child is now a weapon for punishing mothers who have moved on from abusive relationships… This can destroy the spirit of the child and morph them into someone that they cannot truly recognize.  If they are expected by their now present father to have a sense of shame for loving the woman who bore them, the results can be catastrophic to the childs’ self-esteem.  Especially if that child was truly and deeply loved and very well established with resources for their development.  It literally alters the course of that adolescent’s future on so many levels.

It uses the absentee parents’ knowledge that this particular child has been starved for their affection, against the child.  It strikes right at the heart of their sense of morality.  It creates internal turmoil which the child often suffers from silently, in fear in rejection.  They can lose sight of every loving moment and concept that had developed their bond to their mother.  Or they can hold onto those things with the knowledge that they no longer have access to them.  The absentees’ mother will often step in, as an effort to replace her.  Supplemental mothering, while simultaneously denying the child access to her true mother language.  Which can be equally destructive.  Parental-Alienation Syndrome is an unfortunate and frequent occurrence in America’s family dynamic that nobody likes to discuss.  Denial of its existence and Mother Tongue shaming often result from this refusal to acknowledge the petty nature or dangerous nature of the conflicts between the mother and father and their extended families.

Rest In Peace my son.  Your death could have been prevented had our country not failed you so miserably.  I spent every day of your life, saving your life.  You are valuable and loved and I carry your spirit inside me.  I love you eternally.

Business to Business

Stream-line recycling and the necessity for a buy back option on particular materials

My mind faded away into some questions this morning with respect to business recycling options and our hearty waste management bills.

1. Do trash companies receive fees from tobacco industry for filter disposal?

2. What do trash companies do with the stream-lined recycled material post recycling?

3. How is Business impacted by consumption?

4. Given our capacity for stream-lined recycling; What returns do businesses receive in exchange for recycling large quantities of materials like office paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, tin, copper, batteries, electronics, etc…?

5. Are there methods in place for buyback options on recycled goods such as paper and cardboard or even copper/titanium?

(which might require an annual trade off to alternate between new material to recycled material in order to maintain a quality stock)

6. What incentives do builders have to maintain a home maintenance record with buyers similar to an auto dealership? (extends duration of product value, among other benefits such as fiscally responsible and proper demolition in extreme cases – which may result in a builder accumulating large quantities of recyclable materials)

7.  When cities impose disposal fees onto the trash company which; has resulted in many cases in the past, those fees being passed onto businesses – have they offered the business a recycling buyback option to their own materials?


One Womans’ Perspective on Universal Basic Income (This is an unedited rough draft, ramblings. It is not finished)

Or what about Biological Property Rights?

How about the idea of a Residual Income for mothers and teachers and children based on biological and intellectual property rights?  A percentage returned from our sweat equity on the child rearing investment to our little American Corporations, perhaps?

I have sat next to so many frustrated children, mothers, teachers.

I have sat in the classrooms of so many fantastic educators all over the country, whose very diverse backgrounds from each other separate our learning experience, capacity, resources, and environment and quite literally wrapped us up in our ability to grasp them and their conceptual thinking, apart from our own, to incorporate into ourselves and to process from their experiences and knowledge, what is valid for us and what is not as an individual.

The social security administration was supposed to be our nations version of sweat equity, but in order to be paid as a homemaker or a child you would have to be injured somehow, incapacitated to some extent.  But the program has been exploited and undermined and underfunded.

It feels like the country did it backwards and cannot see the err of their ways.

This woman thinks it’s time to flip this economy on its ass and let the children have a shot at true health.  Not the fit bit health, but like true activity and engagement, rather than entertainment and gadget. Fully funded.

But the first generation of this program gets stumped. and that’s okay because the SSA is still operational.  In this economic proposal, I am suggesting that the American Government consider the idea of Citizens United in a mathematical equation that is familiar to everyone.  A=B, B=A.  Let’s examine this:

A = Corporations and B = People.


Corporations = People & People = Corporations

People begin as children.  Corporations begin as startups. (Get it, HEAD START)

So, as a woman I have given birth to 3 children, I have 3 startups.

The first child has very little income, with a lot of overhead costs.  However, this child is a hard worker a joyous learner and a pleasure to have within the environment, so his cultural capital is quite high.  He is sociable, but not overly so.  And quick!

I am the childs’ biological mother and the owner of this start up.  I literally incubated this business.  Then I delivered it to the world and nursed it from my own breast for 2.5 years, taught his preschool class, played t ball, soccer, basketball, Rollerblade, lots of studies, booboo kissing, in home chef, chauffeur services, data management, medical library and overall CEO leadership of this agency. A momager.

Then in steps some outside agency or force.  DA office for child support, they want their cut because you got food stamps for 3 months. It’s like the wicked stepsisters when they see Cinderella in her pretty dress made from scraps. Or here comes DHS or CPS right, because you’re too Christian or not Christian or you are too poor to be taken seriously at the stock market or worse you have a child with unique medical needs and they decide to medically kidnap your child.

and some other investor can see some sort of potential earnings and they want their cut. Slicing and dicing before a penny is made.

Like my beautiful and talented son being kidnapped by his 3x felon father and taken away from a poor college student and given to the dope dealer with money to throw at the judge in the form of bullshit.  Why was my investment cut short? because the army had to conceal the nature of the child’s birth. And they were being confronted with my physical reality of womanhood in America. Where the brilliant go to college to get married and the beautiful don’t have to but if they choose to they are rewarded with professors who appreciate their duality.

So we wish to Thank you for believing in us and begin to welcome you into the economy of family.  But in our model; we hope you don’t mind, we are the primary owner of our children , the biological property in question.  We are equipped to decide who shall assist us in educating our children and who isn’t.

And we will earn a percentage of stock in their corporation that begins with the mother at 51% stockholder in that child’s corporation. The Child at 30% of the stock holding. and the father or state or other assisting agency determined by the mother, which may include specific teachers, or colleagues, professionals, etc. purely at the discretion of the mother and child.

Thank you. That’s my take on Citizens United = Basic income for all.


And speaking directly to my children, the children around my children, and the children from the various programs when I was teaching –

You are loved.